
A Passionate Front-End Developer

A Self-Taught Full-Stack Developer

I'm a front-end developer and also a self-motivated full-stack engineer building scalable, cross-browser compatible, performant, and responsive websites. Feel free to take a look at my latest projects a little bit below this page.

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About me

About Me Section gif

Hello! My name is Hong Hong and you can call me Scarlett. I am a software developer who graduated from Northwestern University. Right now I am living in Seattle.

In June 2017, I started my computer science journey. I was a school-taught student during my undergraduate study. However, at that time, I did not fall in love with programming. After I started my master degree in Northwestern, I get crushed on web development.

I have first started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and try to complete some projects by myself. Then I participated the industrial process at Amazon using TypeScript, which gave me a deeper understanding of development as well as so much precious memory of working within a team.

Thanks to having a good foundation of programming basics, It was not that much hard to learn new things for me. ReactJS, AngularJs, TypeScript... All the knowledge excite me and I would definitely keep purchasing along this way.



During the time in PRISM (PRofitability InSights Manager), I developed real-time rendering data visualizations to showcase PNL statements and utilized AWS CLoudFormation pipeline to deploy.
To fetch the data, I integrated multiple data-requesting Lambda functions with API Gateway and S3 bucket to create secure and efficient REST APIs.
I used TypeScript and React to transform over 80,000 plain tabular data into user-interactive and data-adaptive visualized charts. Also implemented reusable React components transform data into the formats that required by Polaris and Apache ECharts.

  • ReactJS
  • TypeScript
  • Apache ECharts
  • Amazon CDK
Smart Home Appliances

During Smart Home Appliances project, I performed a data filter with pandas, R and SQL. in data processing. To identify the abnormal data on cloud server, I employed the KNN algorithm for multi-classification.
To automate the whole process, I implemented a real-time CI/CD platform that triggered by data updates as well as a Jenkins pipeline, which greatly reduced the manual workload.
By maintaining team's DynamonDB and creating multiple REST APIs for retrieval of historical data, the data analysis convenience and efficiency is largely imporved.

  • Python
  • SQL
  • Jenkins
  • DynamoDB

TickMaster is a Microservices-based ticket resale web application.
The architecture using event-driven communication is developed with TypeScript, Node.js and Express.js. And the whole application is configured and deployed to Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform.
Besides, I integrated MongoDB for data storage and also designed a simple frontend UI with React, Redux and Material UI.

  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • React
  • Kubernetes
  • GCP

SmartHealth is a full-stack application used for reporting and managing students' health status during Covid-19 pandemic. It is based on Vue.js, JavaScript and back-end server provided by Alibaba Cloud.
The project have two login tabs for teacher and student type of users. Student can fill out forms to report health information and check-in for courses. Teacher can view through the summary to manage.
The project was constrained by policies from Tecent neighbours and did not put into production, but it was tested and implemented successfully within the WeChat developer tools.

  • Vue
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

My self-coded technical website build with TypeScript, Next.js and tailwindCSS. It is mainly used to demonstrate my introduction, my projects and my other experience.
I design and optimize the styles of the whole website as well as encapsulate certain components for better developments. It can also be used as a portfolio template.

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS